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2013 August Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission
Draft Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea, Leslie Tuttle and Amy Everitt
Members Absent: Bob Callahan, Chris Burke
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Department of Parks and Recreation, Chas Tewksbury, Michael Marsaille, Michaela, Ellen Talkowsky, Special Projects Coordinator, City of Salem
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:49pm

Approval of July minutes

Partanen had a question about the % of funds for CPA and Tuttle clarified. Everitt motions for approval and Tuttle seconds


Chas Tewksbury – Filming Project in the Salem Woods

Ellen Talkowsky said that Tewksbury requested to shoot a movie in the Salem Woods. Tewksbury described the details of a story of a woman lost in the woods.  He’ll have a small crew and wants to shoot for 2 days with minimal equipment as well as food and water.

Shea asked Tewksbury why picked he picked the Salem Woods and Tewksbury responded that it’s closer to home.  Shea also asked if it’s for school only and Tewksbury said he’s sharing it with school (he’s a Boston University student).  Shea also added that the Golf Course folks would need to be informed given that the character in the movie would be screaming and they want to make sure the public is aware.  Tewksbury also hopes to submit the film to festivals, etc.

Talkowsky asked about sound travelling and Tuttle added that there are various parks, etc. in the area that will need to be notified.

Leveritt motions to approve and Tuttle seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Michael Marsille – Memorial Placed at Patten Park


Michaela Zullo – Peace Gathering, Salem Common

Talked about the global march for peace and unity and the number of cities in the U.S. and worldwide.  The main mission is to spread unity and bring people together in the community.  Zullo wanted to hold an event similar to the Pride March. Zuloo spoke with Officer O’Donnell and other local groups about it.  Zullo is asking for use of the Common for the event to be held on is September 21st from 11am-3pm.  Zullo wants to conduct a community canvass and activities for kids to interact with people in the community with prizes for adults and kids.  All these things are in the works.  They want to do some type of small scale march as wel.  The event is free and would most likely have a PA system with family friendly music. Actively working with all the relevant city departments to make this happen.

Shea asked if Zullo was a Salem resident and she said yes.  She’s also added that she’s a Salem State student.  
Shea asked is Zullo had a nonprofit group behind it and she said it’s not a formal, sanctioned group. Shea expressed concern that she’s not done this before and she responded that she does has a good amount of experience doing events like this and has a close knit committee working on the event. They currently have 15 people on the planning/organization committee.  She feels confident they would be able to make it happen.

Shea wants to know the details and if many more people come than are expected if they’re prepared to obtain for port-a-potties.  Zullo stated that she’s expecting 100-200 people.  Shea asked if Zullo went to this event in another town last year and Zullo stated that this is new event.  Shea asked if there’s any anticipation that this could get very big, very fast. Zullo responded that since there’s not much of a back story right now that she doesn’t think it’ll be huge.  Shea asked how she’s going to deal with it if the numbers are way more that they expect.  Shea asked what the layout would be. Zullo said it would family friendly music and a tent area with a peace table with cultural memorabilia, a kids crafts section, games section, pathway to peace section, tye dye area, timed scheduled events, speakers (Salem State and Salem Peace Committee).  Shea says it sounds great and was concerned about the logistics.  

Everitt added that she works at SSU and would have given them same contacts.

Shea asked about fund raising and Zullo replied that they’re self-funding and are exploring sponsorship.

Tuttle motions approve and Everitt seconds. Passes unanimously.

Don & Ally Dinh – Fearless Flyers Academy

They’re a flying trapeze school and want to bring it to Salem.  They teach flying trapeze classes.  Interested in coming into Salem in September & October outside and teach classes for Salem residents and outside Salem.  

Shea asked if the Dinh’s were the owners , and they both responded that they were. Shea asked if they have insurance and they responded that they are fully insured for $1 million.  Shea asked if students are strapped in and Ally Dinh replied that they are. She also added that they are the only school that has an engineer on staff.  Shea asked how much square feet they need.  Don Dihn replied that it’s 100 x 60.  Ally Dinh replied that the trapeze looks smaller and they can put up a temporary fence if required. Shea asked what how Salem Park & Recreaction would benefit from having them and Ally Dinh responded that they wants to give a percentage of proceeds, about  10%, back to the City.

Shea asked what is the rate and Ally Dinh responded that it’s $45 for 2 hours and there’s a discounted rate for the school program. Ally Dinh will talk with the schools and figure out the details, but suggested that it might be around $25 for 2 hours.  

Shea commented that low income kids would not be able to afford it and the Dinh’s replied that they’d be open to help.  Shea asked if they looked at Leslies Retreat Park and they said it was one of their targets.  Shea added that this would need the approval of both the City Councilor and City Solicitor.

Everitt asked about licenses that may be required and Ally Dinh replied that since they don’t fall under the amusement category, it’s not a problem.

Shea asked what they anticipated their gross revenue to be and Ally Dinh replied that the ball park would depend on how quickly they can be here.  Don Dinh said they’ve been getting $7,000 a month in revenue (mostly from camps) and are estimating $3,000-$7,000. Shea said that if they’re in October, it’ll be more.  The Dinh’s said they’re open to being flexible on price point.

Ally Dinh added that they do a lot of work with at risk youth and through nonprofits that serve kids. Shea asked Partanen what she thought and Partanen said that she’s concerned about the low income kids feeling left out.  Ally Dinh responded that their price point is lower and since they’re the owners, they can tailor to the schools or other local organizations and that they want to work out those lower price points.  Shea asked if the low income people can have free classes and both Dinhs said yes.

Shea asked when they wanted to start and the Dihn’s said any time after Labor Day.  Shea also said they should contact the City Councilor and City Solicitor.  It was discussed that the City Councilor is Paul Prevey.

Shea added that if this approved, Partanen will contact the City Solicitor and City Councilor.

Ally Dinh also added that they have the proper insurance that covers the staff, students, etc., and that all the instructors are CPR certified and the park would be added to their insurance.

Partanen asked about the ages and Ally Dinh responded that 6-8 years old are the most ideal ages.  She added that  younger kids have fun, but don’t always get the same out of it as the 6-8 year olds.  

Tuttle motions to have the trapeze artists come to Leslie’s Retreat Park on the condition that the City Solicitor and City Councilor approve.  Everitt seconds.

Ally Dinh added that they lock up the ladder and remove the net every day.  

Passes unanimously.  

Shea added that it’s not confirmed until ok from the City Solicitor and City Councilor.

Ally added that there is low impact on location for set up and break down.  

Superintendent’s Report

Review Monthly Revenue

Golf course did well. A little down from July.  

Tuttle added that she noticed that Winter Island was down and it seemed like it was weather related.

Willows meters – average/nothing spectacular.  Shea suggested the City send a meter maid down there.

Park & Rec is up a bit.

Shea asked if Partanen can break it down for the next meeting.

Pool Party-Forest River

The pool party wasn’t a huge success, but it was ok. Tuttle suggested maybe we should do a lunchtime thing.  Partanen suggested it be different next year.  Partanen will look into it for next year.  Shea asked if there’s any money to fix the forest river pool.  Tuttle suggested that CPA money may be a good use.  Shea suggested a building evaluation be done and perhaps suggest CPA money be used for repairs.  Partanen said that the pool has to be resurfaced. Partanen said the pool leaks and is worried that the water loss is affecting the ground underneath.  Shea will call Doug Bollin and ask him some questions about the pool.  Partanen also added that the pump room needs to be fixed.  Shea said we should try to get something done for the pool.

Derby Street Mile

Was successful and they got the usual complaints about the street closings from the residents.  Partanen and Short talked about moving it to a Saturday next time.

Parks & Facility

Castle Hill Update

There is still many things that need to be done on this project, but once that’s complete, the park will be done.

Basketball Courts

Driver Park – across from Witch House

They replaced some pillars and it was done. Flag pole moved (Bob McCarthy was involved in it).

Mack Park House RFP Went Out

18 people responded including low income families and an architect who wants to refurbish it entirely.  Partanen stated that the Commission is the deciding factor of who goes in there.  There is a committee that’s been formed to present to the full Commission.  Tuttle said she’d be interested being on that committee.

Pioneer Village

The ticket fees have been put in the revolving account.  Finance has approved to have it done that way.  Seems as though Gordon College did not take good care of the property.  Partanen said that she’ll have to go to the City to set up a special account/budget for Pioneer Village.

New Business


Adjournment at 7:56pm

Next Meeting September 17, 2013